Research to improve people's health


The IDIAP embraces equity on 8-M

The Jordi Gol i Gurina University Institute for Research in Primary Health Care (IDIAPJGol) is an institution that works for gender equality in the primary care sector. Year after year, women are occupying more positions in the entity and greater weight in the organizational chart. This year we want to celebrate March 8 by vindicating the work carried out by each of the women who work for research in Primary Care, whatever their department.Dones IDIAP 8M



Andrea Pistillo, member of the AmbientaMENT project: "We want to study how some environmental exposures can affect mental health in the neighborhoods of Barcelona"

Barcelona is a city that also experiences the effects of climate change. The rise in temperature or air pollution, among other factors, have effects on citizens that are gradually becoming more and more noticeable. But until now there has been no study that analyzes these effects in detail and maps the problem in the regional city.


Andrea Pistillo, statistician and pre-doctoral student, is part of the AmbientaMENT group, a project that aims to explore the effect of the environment on mental health in neighborhoods. It is a project of IDIAP Jordi Gol, ISGlobal, BCNUEJ (ICTA-UAB).


adrea pistillo biennal


Why does IDIAP use the COIB Image Bank?

The visibility of professional groups in the media is often dependent on a type of image that provokes gender or social stereotypes. When a media tries to accompany a news item with an image that complements the written information, if it does not have a photograph that shows a detail of the news item, it will be forced to go to an image bank. It will therefore take a more neutral image that serves to give context to the news.

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Photograph by Ariadna Creus i Àngel Garcia


Dr. Josep Basora, speaker at the "Health Research, a model for the future" colloquium on 7-M

On March 7th, Dr. Josep Basora, director of IDIAP Jordi Gol, will attend the event "Health Research, a model for the future", a colloquium that will bring together eight representatives of health research. The College of Journalists of Catalonia will identify the keys to the success of the Catalan model in research, but also identify the challenges facing the system.Basora


HAPPY PATIENT, a project to optimize the use of antibiotics, enters its last year

The excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics is the main cause of the development and spread of AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance), declared by the World Health Organization as one of the 10 main global threats facing humanity. In Spain alone, according to the 2021 report of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), more than 4 million serious infections and 2,800 deaths per year were related to RAM.

In this sense, the HAPPY PATIENT (The Health Alliance for Prudent Prescription and Yield of Antibiotics from a Patient-Centred Perspective) is a project with European funding (3rd Health Programme) coordinated by ICS and IDIAPJGol, with dr. Carles Llor of the GRIP group of the IDIAPJGol as coordinator, together with Dra. Ana Moragas, Daniela Modena, Ana Garcia-Sangenís and Dra. Rosa Morros.

HP consorci 2023


Albert Rosso Llorach, doctor at GRIMtra: "We are proud of the achievements made and we look to the future with good prospects"


Albert Roso Llorach is one of the new IDIAP doctorate and a professional who dedicates his scientific research to multimorbidity. And it does so by being part of a reference group in this field, the GRIMtra Group, created from the old GRENSAP group, led by Dra. Conception Violant. Through his specialty in biostatistics, the recent doctorate Albert Roso Llorach has achieved, together with his colleagues, great milestones.

But in addition, Roso Llorach is the author of more than fifty articles and holds other positions within the IDIAP Jordi Gol. Let's get to know him a little more.


Foto Albert rosso