Research to improve people's health


The Real World Lab renews its license as ULab of EIT Health

The Real World Lab is one of the 20 Living Labs that is part of the ULab, these user validation laboratories that are part of the program initiated by the European Institute of Technology (EIT Health). This laboratory created by IDIAP Jordi Gol has renewed its license after being one of the 28 ULabs last year.

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This year the Real World Lab will compete with 19 other laboratories in order to be hired by those emerging companies, start-ups, spin-offs, accelerators or research centers that are selected. May 2nd is the deadline for these companies to sign up for the new call. This year, the contracting of around 12 projects is expected from a forecast of 40 participating companies.

The purpose of the User Validation Labs program is to help companies contact users, for example patients or doctors, and conduct a study where they can validate the innovation of this company's products.

The Real World Lab team is made up of David Verde, Diana Puente, Marc Casajuana and Anna Berenguera and its objective is to resolve the conflicts that may arise from applications and technological products related to health, especially in the 'analysis of the user experience, the real needs of patients and professionals and the socio-economic impact..

Once the companies have been selected, the Matchmaking day organized by EIT Health will take place during September so that the Real World Lab can make its services known to these companies. From January 1, 2024, if a match has been made, the study will begin.