Research to improve people's health


"The wounds are what remains inside you": a study on the implications of living with endometriosis

The report "The wounds are what remains inside you: a Photovoice study on the implications of living with endometriosis" is a portrait of the realities experienced by women affected by this chronic disease. The participatory photovoice study, carried out between May and June 2022, included the participation of nine affected women.

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The Qualitative Research Commission, a space for learning and exchange in research in health services, well valued and open to participation

Three years after expanding the Qualitative Research Commission with the collaboration agreement between the Health Policy Studies and Prospects Service (SEPPS) of the Catalan Health and Social Consortium (CSC) and the University Institute for Primary Care Research Jordi Gol (IDIAPJGol), the successive evaluations show it as a consolidated learning space in research applied to health services, highly valued by its participants. The expansion has not only allowed the quality and interest of this space to be maintained, but has also contributed to increasing its levels of participation and expanding the topics covered. With a view to 2023, new ones are proposed for this commission, open to new incorporations.

fondo productos mesa madera


Last articles published by IDIAPJGol

Check here the latest articles published by the l'IDIAPJGol research team.dan dimmock 3mt71MKGjQ0 unsplash


Josep Vidal Alaball, coordinator of USR Catalunya Central: "Our projects try to improve people's lives and help healthcare professionals work better"

The work carried out by IDIAP Jordi Gol in healthcare research increases year after year. One of the keys to success lies in the projects that are managed through the different Research Support Units of the territory. Each of them is directed by health professionals who have an involvement in the field of vocational research. Undoubtedly, one of them is Josep Vidal Alaball, coordinator of USR Catalonia Central. We spoke with him about the value of being a rural doctor, about the projects that have been carried out from this unit and about the first edition of the Ajuts Centra't that will be given in Manresa on June 6.



The project Experiences and needs of trans people in Primary Care in Girona begins

From IDIAPJGol we research to offer trans* people an excellent clinical practice in the field of primary care. Three IDIAPJGol researchers, Alicia Ares, Violeta Concepción and Anna Ponjoan, have designed the study entitled "Experiences and needs of trans* persons in Girona's Primary Care". In this sense, they have opened a call to invite trans* people to participate who want to explain how they felt when they were attended to in primary care centers or clinics and what their health needs are. This information is essential to improve primary care services and to plan future research projects tailored to the needs of the trans* community.pexels alexander grey 3868990 1