Research to improve people's health


The migration of GIR to Fundanet is in its last phase

One of the great transformations that IDIAPJGol is experiencing in recent months is the migration of the GIR software to Fundanet. Until now, the institute used the GIR software (Integral Research Management) which since 1995 has served us to train our researchers, carry out advice, develop and promote new projects, publish publications and many other basic procedures to develop and publicize the research carried out by the IDIAPJGol.fundanet

But over the years this software has become outdated and the procedures need greater agility. In this sense, it has been decided to migrate to Fundanet, a research software that many other national and international institutes and research centers use. Sandra Illán, director of the Corporate Resources Area, is one of the people who has dedicated the most hours to this manual transfer of information. "The Fundanet provides us with a series of advantages over the GIR, both at a scientific and economic level. For example, previously researchers could not see their invoices, they could only see a summary. Now there is much more transparency in the economic area, it is much more understandable".

It is expected that from this summer a large part of the migration will already be completed. At the moment, all the data has already been transferred to the new system and is now being debugged. It is a complex and long process, but one that needs to be done very carefully, since it is the tool with which the entire IDIAPJGol will work in the future.

From September until today, training has been carried out aimed at people who do research, but also at the rest of the institute's staff who can use the software to manage holidays, leaves or permits.

The online trainings given by Sandra Illán have been oriented to each area, such as the last one in which you were taught how to monitor the finances of your project, how to see the money that is in each project, the staff and how to make the purchases . Then there are two trainings open to all IDIAPJGol staff: one more general, on the operation of the tool and the other on purchases and HR.