Research to improve people's health


"Essentials" the documentary of complaint about Primary Care with the researcher Antonia Raya

Last Monday the premiere of the documentary Essentials by Raquel Bonell Barrachina took place at the Filmoteca de Catalunya. It is a day-to-day portrait of three health professionals, witnessing the battle to defend the public system, the dignity of the people who are users and their own. One of the professionals behind the documentary is Antonia Raya, a nurse at CAP Raval and a researcher for IDIAPJGol.fotoEssencials



Award to Verònica Torras, family and community medicine resident from the USR Tarragona-Reus, awarded at the CAMFiC Research Conference

Verònica Torras, a family and community medicine resident who is studying her thesis at the USR Tarragona-Reus, was awarded last May 4 during the CAMFiC Resident Research Conference in Family and Community Medicine. He won the first prize of the call for the study "Indirect effect of the introduction of pn13 in the childhood vaccination calendar, on the incidence of pneumonia from any cause in adults = 50 years in Catalonia".fotopremi


Sandra Illán: "I took the train that only comes once in a lifetime"

Sandra Illán is one of the pillars of IDIAPJGol. A person with a capacity for work and sacrifice that, since he first set foot in the institute, he has been demonstrating this with increasing success. Since 2017, he has been managing the Corporate Resources Department, a position he earned with justice, as he was one of the people who had the most knowledge of all the areas that make up this research institute in primary care. We spoke to her to learn more about her personal and professional life.



The most international ICS-IDIAP Jordi Gol Grant Delivery program

All the staff involved in the IDIAPJGol have marked May 18th in red because it is one of the great annual events that gives meaning to the Institute. A few days ago we informed you about the participation of Lars Bjerrum, a professor at the University of Copenhagen. But today we can already give you the full program of the ICS-IDIAP Aid Delivery Act.foto lars


The migration of GIR to Fundanet is in its last phase

One of the great transformations that IDIAPJGol is experiencing in recent months is the migration of the GIR software to Fundanet. Until now, the institute used the GIR software (Integral Research Management) which since 1995 has served us to train our researchers, carry out advice, develop and promote new projects, publish publications and many other basic procedures to develop and publicize the research carried out by the IDIAPJGol.fundanet


Lucía Carrasco publishes "Introduction to statistical analysis in R", the guide to statistics in research

Statistics are of vital importance to be able to perform a good data analysis in any scientific study. Fortunately, there are many computer tools that help to perform certain complex statistical operations. Within these programs, a free and open source software should be highlighted: R. Ahora Lucía Amalia Carrasco Ribelles, predoctoral researcher at the IDIAP Jordi Gol, and Javier Marín Morales, postdoctoral researcher associated with the department of statistics and operational research of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), have written a book to better understand this program: "Introduction to statistical analysis in R".
