Research to improve people's health


We participate in a European study on pharmacovigilance through VAC4EU

The IDIAPJGol has participated and contributed, through Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU), to the Report on pharmacovigilance tasks study, which summarizes the work carried out by the EU Pharmacovigilance Network between January 2019 and December 2022 to guarantee the safety of all medicines authorized in the EU, including vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19. The report also describes the main improvements introduced to the EU pharmacovigilance system during this period and critically reflects on the main areas that will need to be further strengthened in the coming period.

IDIAPJGol has participated and contributed, through the Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU), to the study Report on pharmacovigilance tasks, which summarizes the work carried out by the EU Pharmacovigilance Network between January 2019 and December 2022 to guarantee the safety of all medicines authorized in the EU, including vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19. The report also describes the main improvements introduced in the pharmacovigilance system of the EU during this period and reflects critically on the main areas that will have to be strengthened even more in the next period.

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The study's findings indicate that the EU's pharmacovigilance system has been consolidated and improved over the past 10 years. Several measures have been taken to improve the effectiveness of pharmacovigilance activities and regulatory actions. Emphasis has been placed on the evaluation of risk reduction measures (RMMs) and initiatives have been developed to improve their implementation. The use of real-world experience data for decision-making has also been supported. However, some limitations have been identified and work will be done to improve study designs and adverse reaction monitoring tools. Overall, the EU pharmacovigilance system is better prepared to deal with future public health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The VAC4EU team at IDIAP Jordi Gol is made up of Felipe Villalobos, María Giner-Soriano, Carles Vilaplana-Carnerero, Meritxell Pallejà-Millán, Carlo Alberto Bissacco, Dan Ouchi, María Aragón, Elena Segundo and Clara Rodríguez.

Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU) is an international not-for-profit partnership enabling the generation of robust and timely evidence on the effects of vaccines collaboratively in Europe. The IDIAPJGol is a member of this association, and is currently participating, together with other European institutions, in a series of studies on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, using data from SIDIAP and the ConcePTION Common Data Model.