Research to improve people's health


We participate in a European study on pharmacovigilance through VAC4EU

The IDIAPJGol has participated and contributed, through Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU), to the Report on pharmacovigilance tasks study, which summarizes the work carried out by the EU Pharmacovigilance Network between January 2019 and December 2022 to guarantee the safety of all medicines authorized in the EU, including vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19. The report also describes the main improvements introduced to the EU pharmacovigilance system during this period and critically reflects on the main areas that will need to be further strengthened in the coming period.

IDIAPJGol has participated and contributed, through the Vaccine monitoring Collaboration for Europe (VAC4EU), to the study Report on pharmacovigilance tasks, which summarizes the work carried out by the EU Pharmacovigilance Network between January 2019 and December 2022 to guarantee the safety of all medicines authorized in the EU, including vaccines and therapeutics against COVID-19. The report also describes the main improvements introduced in the pharmacovigilance system of the EU during this period and reflects critically on the main areas that will have to be strengthened even more in the next period.

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A study makes it possible to calculate for the first time the cardiovascular risk in people with diabetes 2

It is the result of the SCORE2-Diabetes project developed in four European regions, with the participation of IDIAPJGol and CIBERDEM. Its implementation will make it possible to prevent, diagnose complications early and start treatments that reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems among the more than 5 million people affected by this disease in Spain.Diabetes


Scientific production module of the Fundanet to be launched soon

This year, at IDIAPJGol, we launched Fundanet, a management software that replaces the old accounting program and also the GIR. The first part of the implementation has been financial management and research projects, and little by little, we are rolling out the rest of the modules.

Fundanet blau


Rosa Morros: "What satisfies me the most is to keep learning"

The specialist in Clinical Pharmacology and PhD in Pharmacology arrived at the IDIAPJGol in 2009 and is the head of the Medicine Studies Unit (UEM). In her busy schedule there is also room to perform the duties of president of the Clinical Research Ethics Committee.

Rosa Morros


Carolina Lapena: "The pandemic has made us learn that we have to take care of caregivers more"

The study "Overload in informal caregivers of people cared for at home by primary care during the pandemic", developed by nursing residents of CAP Bon Pastor, El Carmel, La Mina and Poblenou has recently obtained two recognitions: the prize of the fourteenth Research Conference for Residents of Primary Care and the Community of Barcelona City (APBCN) and also the 1st prize of the 11th Conference of specialists in Family and Community Nursing of the Family and Community Nursing Association of Catalonia (AIFICC). We talk to Carolina Lapena, specialist nurse and researcher at the IDIAPJGol, who has been the tutor for this promotion.

Carolina Lapena


New study links overweight and obesity to more cancers than previously shown

Longitudinal body mass index and cancer risk: a cohort study of 2.6 million Catalan adults, published in Nature Communications, has found that overweight and obesity during early adulthood (between ages 18-40 years) could be linked with up to 18 cancers, with some of these cancers not previously associated to weight as a risk factor. The results of the study, found the longer the length of time, greater the degree, and younger the age of overweight and obesity, the higher the associated risk of developing 18 different cancers.
