Research to improve people's health


Scientific production module of the Fundanet to be launched soon

This year, at IDIAPJGol, we launched Fundanet, a management software that replaces the old accounting program and also the GIR. The first part of the implementation has been financial management and research projects, and little by little, we are rolling out the rest of the modules.

Fundanet blau

This July we will start making the scientific production module available to researchers, a task that will predictably last all autumn. From this section, each researcher will be able to manage their CV. On the one hand, you will find the information corresponding to your participation in Research Groups and Research Projects that we have entered from the management side, as well as your production, which we will also incorporate internally from the start. However, each researcher will be able to manually incorporate in their CV what they find missing, and complete the rest of the sections such as the summary of the CV, professional experience or training received.

As for the production part, the system will automatically provide you with your H-index, and for each article, in addition to the information from the JCR, you will be provided with the alternative indicators of Dimensions and Almetrics.
From this section you can also print the CVN version, in Spanish or Catalan, and the CVA in Spanish or English. And in relation to this aspect, an interesting functionality, especially at the beginning, is that the system will allow us to import the information currently available in our FECYT CVN in order to be able to expand it and be able to print our CVA/CVN as much as possible complete possible