Research to improve people's health


Save The Date! May 31: IDIAP Retreat

Next May 31, IDIAP Jordi Gol is celebrating a new Retreat at Mont Sant Benet with the aim of creating and enhancing synergies between the different research groups that are part of the organization. This meeting is key to promoting interdisciplinary research beyond each of the research and territorial areas.

mont san benet


Laura Medina presents a study on endometriosis at the Hospital Clínic

Researcher Laura Medina, specialist in menstrual health, will present the project "The wounds are what's left inside you" on March 22. The presentation is included in the informative and participative session on endometriosis "Endometriosis: the rule does not hurt" during the Experience Exchange Week organized by the Patient Experience Observatory of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. This session is open to the public, aimed especially at teenage girls (and boys too) to raise awareness about this chromic and inflammatory disease and to present some of the projects on this pathology that are carried out.



Josep Basora participated in the round table Research in Health, a model for the future

Last Tuesday, March 7, a round table took place at the College of Journalists of Catalonia, with the presence of Josep Basora, director of IDIAP Jordi Gol. With the name "Health Research, a model of the future", the event consisted of two round tables moderated by the journalist Guillem Pujol Borràs, director of the Plural Journalism Foundation.

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News in the Centra't Program: New deadline and 100% subsidized by the ICS

The first call for Centra't Program Grants is drawing near, but there is still time to sign up. A good opportunity to get one of the three scholarships that will be given through this talent development program. The ICS Catalunya Central, the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation and the IDIAP Jordi Gol have created this call with the idea of giving value to the research carried out from Central Catalonia.



L’IDIAPJGol forma parte de cuatro redes R+D+I con la ayuda del AGAUR

IDIAP Jordi Gol participates in four R+D+I networks that count on funding provided by the University and Research Grants Management Agency (AGAUR). The aid of the R+D+I Networks is intended for the creation of programs for the valorization and transfer of research results. Driven by the Department of Research and University of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the aim is to promote collaboration between the different research groups of different entities that have common challenges and objectives of economic and social interest. This work together enhances projects based on interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.foto xarxes RDI


A multidisciplinary intervention to improve care for professionals and patients against ACKD

On World Kidney Day (March 9) we become aware of Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease. From the MARCEVAP of the IDIAP Jordi Gol ja they are working on the design and evaluation of a multidisciplinary comprehensive care program in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease (ACKD).

The project will go through three phases (design, implementation and evaluation) and will end in the last semester of 2024.Ronyo