Research to improve people's health


First successful meeting with the External Scientific Committee

Last April 19 and 20 we celebrated the first External Scientific Committee with the participation of up to eight professionals from all over Spain and Europe who contributed their views on various aspects that affect IDIAP, such as the challenges of strategic plan.



The first meeting with the CCE took place on the afternoon of Wednesday 19 April, on the terrace, with a coffee and some pastries, to break the ice. Josep Basora and Anna Berenguera were in charge of opening the event. At five in the afternoon there was a discussion about the Strategic Plan of the IDIAP Jordi Gol, with the aim of sharing the challenges of this plan with the order of transfer, implementation, the recruitment and retention of talent and about the mobility through stays abroad. We drew very positive conclusions from this meeting. An in-depth approach was taken on IDIAPJGol's internationalization strategies, as well as the generational renewal of research groups. Finally, aspects of Crowdfunding and dissemination of the results were also discussed. At nine in the evening a dinner was served.

The next day we continued with the meetings. At half past ten, we presented to the eight members of the External Scientific Committee the types of internal aid from the IDIAPJGol and the evaluation procedure was discussed. But the big event of the day was the presentation of the Research Groups to the CCE in order to be able to present improvement proposals on the projects. Each group had about ten minutes to present their scientific career, collaborations, transfer elements and thus receive proposals for improvement, observations and opportunities to continue growing as a group. We had the presence of the spokespersons of five groups:

  • Real World Epi (Carlen Reyes)
  • EPIVAC (Diego Tape)
  • GAVINA (Rosa Dalmau)
  • GRECAP (Miguel Ángel Muñoz)
  • GRECOCAP (Marta Ortega)

At half past two, the institute's research lines were presented and the meeting ended with a picnic on the terrace.

The conclusions of this first meeting could not be more positive, thanks to the fact that this new composition of the External Scientific Committee is a combination of professionalism, excellence and human quality.