Research to improve people's health

Research Groups
Research Grants
Annual Report
Real World Lab

  • Overdiagnosis urinary infections

    The overdiagnosis of urinary infections in the elderly could indicate more serious health problems

    A study led by IDIAPJGol researchers Carl Llor and Ana Moragas concludes that antibiotics are unnecessarily prescribed to treat suspected urinary infections in nursing homes

    Sobrediagnostic infeccions orina

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  • IV Innovation Conference

    IDIAPJGol holds the IV Innovation Conference, focused on social entrepreneurship in health

    It will be held on October 15 in the auditorium of the Vèrtex Building, on the North Campus of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia


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  • Racism harms health

    Racism gravely harms health

    The IDIAPJGol researcher, Constanza Jacques Aviñó, publishes an editorial in the Gaceta Sanitaria journal about the impact of structural racism in the healthcare sector and on people's health


     Photo: Ariadna Creus and Àngel García, Banc d'Imatges Infermeres

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  • Scientific articles September 2024

    Consult IDIAPJGol's scientific publications of September2024

    During the month of September the research staff of IDIAPJGol has published 28 new articles in scientific journals of both national and international scope. You can consult them below.

    foto publicacions cientifiques IDIAPJGol 682x376

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  • CERV Session

    The IDIAPJGol is hosting a session on funding opportunities for collaboration projects between the social and health sectors

    The event, which will take place on the morning of November 19, will focus on the European funding program Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)

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  • First comparative study on the health before and during covid-19

    A research team from USR Catalunya Central concludes the first comparative study on the health of the Catalan population before and during covid-19

    The study, funded by a PERIS grant, analyzes the clinical indicators of 6,301,095 people in Catalonia, 81% of the total population



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  • CAMFiC Research Conference for Residents

    The identification of predictive factors for suicide in people with depression allows for a reduction in suicidal ideation

    This is the hypothesis of a study that was presented at the IV Research Conference of Residents of CAMFiC, which has been conducted in collaboration with IDIAPJGol

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    Photo: CAMFiC 

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  • European Night of Research Lleida Therapy Animals

    Researchers from IDIAPJGol in Lleida bring animal therapy to the European Night of Research 

    Doctors and researchers from IDIAPJGol, Maylos Rodrigo and Esther Rodrigo, held a workshop on the therapeutic benefits of dogs and other animals, which sold out all its available spots



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