Research to improve people's health


Researchers of the IDIAP will participate in the European Primary Care Cardiovascular Society Summit 2018 - 10th Annual Scientific Meeting

On March 15 and 16 there will take place in Barcelona the tenth edition of the European Primary Care Cardiovascular Society congress, an important and the unique meeting that brings together professionals of the Primary Healthcare of the whole Europe to treat specifically topics related to the cardiovascular health in this area. This year investigators of the IDIAP Jordi Gol will take part in the congress, and different groups of research of the Institute will present the principal results of his studies on cardiovascular risk factors, prevention, evaluation of treatments and other aspects of the cardiovascular health.

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Epidemiologic Research Group in Diabetes from Primary Health Care (DAP_CAT) publication

The article "Therapeutic inertia in patients treated with two or more antidiabetics in primary care: Factors predicting intensification of treatment"has benn published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism jounal.  


23 research groups of IDIAPJGol has been accredited by the Agency for Management for University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia

Of the 23 applications submitted by IDIAPJGol, they have been accredited and recognized as a research group 23. In addition, two of the groups received funding, GREMPAL (Dr Dani Prieto) and GROIMAP (Dr. Rafael Azagra). Congratulations!   


agaur idiapjgol




Lectura de tesi doctoral d'Álex Llobera de la Unitat de Suport a la Recerca de Girona

--- Actualització 22 de maig 2018 ----

El Dr. Àlex Llobera Serentill, investigador de la USR de Girona de l’IDIAPJGol, ha obtingut el Títol de  Doctor per la Universitat de Girona per la seva Tesi Doctoral: “Arteriopatia Perifèrica i factors de Risc Cardiovascular. Avaluació de la millora del seu control mitjançant una intervenció educativa tipus feedback en professionals d'AP”, defensada el passat 9 de març. Enhorabona!

El Dr. Àlex Llobera, investigador de la Unitat de Suport a la recerca de Girona, va defensar la seva tesi doctoral, “Arteriopatia Perifèrica i factors de risc cardiovascular. Millora de la prevenció secundària dels pacients amb arteriopatia perifèrica en l'Atenció Primària”, el passat 9 de març a la Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Girona.

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Article of Severe Mental Diseases Group of IDIAPJGol researchers 

The objective of the study "Risk of underdiagnosis of hypertension in schizophrenia patients, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension" is to assess whether there are differences in the proportion of screened patients with a blood pressure >140/90 mmHg that are undiagnosed or not confirmed later (risk of underdiagnosis). The results have been published in the journal "Clinical and Experimental Hypertension" 

area salutmental


"Learning from patients: trainers' use of narratives for learning and teaching"

Anna Berenguera, IDIAPJGol researcher, participates in a publication together with English and Irish researchers published Royal College of General Practitioners. The article aimed to evaluate how GP trainers conceptualised 'learning from patients', and what use they currently made of narrative recounts in training.