Research to improve people's health


Do international research from the CAP

Primary Care also focuses on health research. Through the IDIAPJGol, today 1,500 family and community medicine and nursing professionals participate in research projects that will be decisive in improving health in the next decade.

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Foto: Ariadna Creus i Àngel García / Banc d'imatges Infermeres COIB


Today, April 12, Primary Care Day is commemorated: a date to vindicate the importance that this area has in health care as a whole and in people's quality of life. In recent years, and even more so with the pandemic, the care work of Primary Care professionals has proven to be key to the well-being of the population, but there is another aspect that has become increasingly important: that of research.

Today, under the umbrella of the Jordi Gol University Institute for Research in Primary Care (IDIAPJGol), nearly 1,500 family and community medicine and nursing professionals participate in studies, research projects and clinical trials. They do so with a double vocation: to improve health in their reference territories –where they have their CAP and the patients they care for-, thanks to the structure of Research Support Units that IDIAP has spread throughout Catalonia, and that of generating knowledge that has an impact at the state and European level.


From research in the territory to European projects

The prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, respiratory, infectious or musculoskeletal diseases, diabetes, mental health, aging ... The research carried out at Primary includes the main health problems that are addressed at this level of care . The IDIAPJGol has 36 research groups, it has more than half a thousand projects active - 20 of them funded by the European Union - and its research staff publishes about 350 articles in scientific journals every year.

This growing impact has made the IDIAPJGol and its researchers have an ever greater international projection. From leading projects such as Happy Patient, which seeks to improve the prescription of antibiotics throughout the European Union, to coordinate European clinical trials through the Drug Studies Unit, research consortiums that promote projects of continental scope such as the Liverscreen (early detection of liver diseases) or coordinate Catalan or state participation in international studies.


Of course, today research on COVID also plays a prominent role, with projects to find treatment for peapole with persistent covid, to study the long-term health consequences or its psicoscocial impact on the population, or to analyze the sanitary measures that must be applied before starting to do activities with the public.

L’IDIAPJGol, the investigation that touches you closely

The Jordi Gol y Gurina University Institute for Primary Health Care Research Foundation (IDIAPJGol) is a reference center in research and health promotion at the first level of care that aims to promote and develop innovation, research clinical, epidemiological and health services in the field of primary care, and offer training in order to generate knowledge, disseminate results and transfer them to clinical practice to bring efficiency to the health system and promote and improve people's health .