Research to improve people's health



The latest issue of the official organ of the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands includes a text signed by the director of the Institute, Josep Basora, and by the deputy director, Anna Berenguera, in which they give an overview of the centre and its role in promoting research in primary care


The director of the Jordi Gol Primary Care Research Institute (IDIAPJGol), Josep Basora, and the deputy director of the centre, Anna Berenguera, have signed an article included in the summer issue of the journal Annals de Medicina, the official publication of the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, on the institution and its role in promoting and driving research in the field of primary health care. The text reviews the more than 25 years of IDIAPJGol’s history, its current situation, its organisational model, the results it has obtained and the challenges it faces.

The article highlights the key role that IDIAPJGol has played since its foundation in 1996. The institute, which is consolidated as a benchmark in research at the first level of care, has grown to currently have more than 1,500 researchers, most of them professionals who combine clinical activity with research, and a decentralised structure that allows it to cover the entire Catalan territory.

With 464 active research projects in 2023, the institution has managed to transfer the results of its research to clinical practice, which has contributed significantly to the improvement of health services. Basora and Berenguera also highlight the creation of research groups, the impact of scientific publications and the future challenges of IDIAPJGol, especially in areas such as predictive medicine and the use of advanced technologies as artificial intelligence. 

Article reference

Basora, Josep; Berenguera, Anna. IDIAP Jordi Gol, un model pioner, únic i consoliidat de recerca en atenció primària a Catalunya. Annals de Medicina. 224,  Vol. 107, Núm. 3, Juliol/Agost/Setembre. Disponible a