Research to improve people's health


IDIAPJGol participates in the Annual Meeting of the FLASH Consortium in Catania to advance in European health research

The USR Central Catalonia is the clinical partner of this European project, which aims to prepare health systems to face health threats and their financing

flash meeting

The IDIAPJGol has participated as a clinical partner in the annual meeting of the FLASH Consortium, held at the University of Catania on June 6 and 7. In this event, Josep Vidal, coordinator of IDIAPJGol’s Research Support Unit (USR) Central Catalonia, represented IDIAP and the Catalan Institute of Health.


The FLASH project aims to improve health systems to face future situations like the covid-19 pandemic. The initiative is fully funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program, coordinated by the Universita Degli Studi di Verona (Italy). It is named “Flexible Approaches to Support Health through Financing.”

The consortium comprises sixteen partners, including universities, research centres, non-profit organizations, and health institutions from various European countries, with a duration of four years and a total budget of five million euros. During the meetings, the participants shared the results obtained during the project’s first year and discussed innovative approaches to health management and policy.

Meeting highlights

In the first assembly, different topics were addressed, such as financial incentives in primary care, hospital resilience after the covid-19 pandemic, local health expenditure, and the evaluation of digital health services.

The second day it included presentations on communication and dissemination of the research results, decision models for health innovation, social assistance and long-term care, and cross-border health care.

According to Josep Vidal, “This event highlights IDIAP’s commitment to advancing research and improving health systems through international collaboration.” The coordinator of the USR Central Catalonia emphasizes that “the strategies and ideas discussed during this meeting will drive significant improvements in healthcare and benefit patients and healthcare providers across Europe.”