Research to improve people's health


IDIAPJGol joins CareCityLab, the care and research centre on frailty and dependency of Mataró

With the signing of the collaboration agreement, formalized on May 28, 2024, the Institute joins the entity’s board of directors, along with other institutions and entities in the field of health, innovation, and knowledge


The Institut d’Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol (IDIAPJGol) has been integrated into CareCityLab, the centre dedicated to citizen care and research in the field of fragility, dependency and chronicity in the city of Mataró.

The act of constitution of the entity was carried out on May 27, 2024, with the signing of a collaboration agreement between all the institutions that are part of the board of directors. CareCityLab is promoted by the Mataró City Council and is financed with European funds.


In addition to IDIAPJGol and the City Council, the new entity is made up of the Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme, the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme, the Fundació EURECAT, the Fundació Hospital de Sant Jaume i Santa Magdalena, the Fundació TIC Salut Social and the Institut Català de la Salut, through its Northern Metropolitan Territorial Management.

CareCityLab, created within the “Mataró, Caring City” project, is a space dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in situations of fragility and dependency, as well as their caregivers.


The entity will work in three lines:

  • The provision of services to citizens, through the Care Office, the Point Vincle and the Centre for Personal Autonomy.

  • The development of research and innovation activities, through the Research Office and the Fragility and Dependency Observatory.

  • The transfer of knowledge, which is supported through university activities and the Ethics Committee 

  • La entidad trabajará en tres líneas:

           La provisión de servicios a la ciudadanía, a través de la Oficina de Cuidados, el Punt Vincle y el Centro para la Autonomía Personal.


           El desarrollo de actividades de investigación e innovación, mediante la Oficina de Investigación y el Observatorio de Fragilidad y la Dependencia.


           La transferencia de conocimiento, que se sustenta a través de la actividad universitaria y del Comité de Ética.