Research to improve people's health


One out of every eight people with type 2 diabetes ends up suffering from a cardiovascular disease

A study involving researchers from IDIAPJGol has studied cardiovascular risk factors among diabetes patients for 10 years

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12.3% of people with type 2 diabetes suffer from a cardiovascular problem. This is the conclusion of the SCORE-2 study, in which IDIAPJGol researcher Josep Franch participates. This research has calculated the risk of developing circulatory diseases among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The authors of the study have followed 229,460 people with diabetes and no cardiovascular disease for ten years and analyzed the percentage of these patients who developed a circulatory disease during this period. With the results of this follow-up, the research team claims to be able to predict the risk of people with diabetes developing a cardiovascular problem over the next ten years, with 66% more efficacy than current methods.

The ultimate goal of the study is to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes who need access to preventive measures as soon as possible, intensify the control of risk factors, and detect circulatory disease early.

It is known that people with diabetes are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease early and severely than the general population. In Spain, approximately 25% of people with diabetes have experienced some cardiovascular complication. This risk can vary greatly depending on the characteristics of each person and their risk factors.

The research team aims to apply the knowledge gained from this study to detect the cardiovascular risk of each person with diabetes and plan the needs that the patient may have. In this way, it is hoped that preventive and early detection measures for circulatory disease can be adopted on an individualized basis and treatment can be intensified in people with higher risk.

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