Research to improve people's health


More than 140 referents in emotional well-being of Primary Care participate in the conference on the Master's Project

IDIAPJGol and the Catalan Institute of Health organized, this June 6, a conference aimed at the Emotional and Community Wellbeing Referees (RBEC) with the aim of sharing experiences, techniques and knowledge related to the Mestral Project.jornada mestral 2023 01 grup

The RBECs are responsible for implementing the Emotional Ventilation (EV) program and the key figure in this project, through which they want to prevent and promote the emotional well-being of Primary Care professionals.

The day hosted different round tables, with RBECs of the Catalan Institute of Health from different territories as protagonists, where they shared and debated their experience and the activities they carry out to take care of their fellow CAPs. In the afternoon, different practical workshops were organized, focused on enhancing their dynamism skills in Emotional Ventilation groups and other psychoeducational groups.

The event also included lectures by experts in Primary Care such as Alberto López García-Franco, family doctor and disseminator of the relationship between Cinema and Medicine, Isabel del Cura, family doctor and researcher of the RICAPPS network, Rosa Vivanco, director of the Evaluation and Quality Area of AQuAS, and Enric Aragonès, family doctor of ICS and principal researcher of the Mestral Project, as well as with the speeches of Josep Basora, director of the Research Institute for Primary Health Care Jordi Gol (IDIAPJGol) and Ariadna Mas, on behalf of the Catalan Health Institute. "In addition to the training and scientific content, the main objective of the day is to foster the feeling of belonging of the RBECs towards a health research project of great magnitude", remarked Aragonés.

The Master Project ('Evaluation of the usefulness and feasibility of a psychoeducational intervention to prevent the negative psychological impact of the COVID19 pandemic on primary care health professionals') was born in 2022 at the initiative of the Directorate of Primary Care of the ICS and the IDIAPJGol. Its purpose is to evaluate the implementation process of the Emotional Ventilation program, created to promote the emotional well-being of front-line professionals. Managed by Guillem Aragonès, IDIAPJGol participates in the project by providing scientific methodology for its implementation and for the evaluation of results.

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