Research to improve people's health


The Act of Delivery of the ICS-IDIAP Grants of May 18 will have international projection

There is little more than a month left until we meet at the ICS-IDIAPJGol Aid Delivery Act. On May 18, we will celebrate the delivery of these grants intended to promote research in Primary Care.pantallazo video ajuts iCS IDIAP

This year will be a different, more inspiring event, to celebrate that research in Primary Care continues to grow thanks to the entire research community that makes it possible. There will be different surprises and the multidisciplinary participation of different people. For example, we will have Guillem de Efak, head of community action, public programs and communication at the MNAC, who will give us a presentation on the IDIAPJGol with a touch of the arts. We will also have the accompaniment of the music of the pianist Zazu Osés.

This year we want to highlight the work carried out by researchers outside the country. IDIAP Jordi Gol has more and more international exposure thanks, among other factors, to the aid stays abroad. The professor of the University of Copenhagen, Lars Bjerrum, will participate in the delivery of foreign aid and will make a presentation. His presence reinforces the message about the international importance of our primary care research institute.

The ICS-IDIAPJGol grants reward those research projects that study how to improve the well-being of citizens. This year 26 grants will be given in the 7 defined categories. We are waiting for you!!

Below you can see the promotional video of the ICS-IDIAPJGol Grants Delivery Act.