Research to improve people's health


IDIAP researchers celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On February 11, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science was celebrated. Without a doubt, it is a good moment to vindicate the women who work at IDIAP Jordi Gol. Both those responsible for the Project Management Unit, the technical department, the Corporate Resources Area and, above all, our researchers. All work for science and research in the field of primary care.

doctor trabajando investigacion medica

We share below some data from 2022 that show that, at IDIAPJGol, our researchers are essential to carry out scientific research:

  • 232 female researchers from our centers have been involved in some of our projects, representing 73% of all researchers.
  • 189 women are Principal Investigators or co-Principal Investigators, 74% of the total PI and coIP.
  • 189 women out of a total of 357 researchers have PhDs. They mean 74%.
  • Of the 37 groups that exist in the organization, 23 are led by women.

Some of the women researchers have left us some witnesses about what they do and how they live their profession:

  • Anna Berenguera Ossó, PhD and Deputy Director: “My main function is to promote and motivate collaborative research between the IDIAPJGol research groups, develop scientific training activities and promote frontier research.
  • Anna Ruiz. PhD from the USR of Central Catalonia: “We do research to improve the quality of daily care practice. In addition, doing it opens the doors to teaching"
  • Carmen Gallardo, from the USR of Costa de Ponent: "Research allows me to study the profession from another perspective, experimenting with new ways of developing my work as part of a consolidated multidisciplinary group and thus contributing to a better construction of the PC nursing identity, based on rigor and scientific evidence”
  • Clara Flamarich, from USR Metropolitana Nord: “In research, the fact that there are different professional profiles provides different points of view. In cultural competence, it allows an approach with a gender perspective in cases of migration and the health system.”
  • Cristina García from the USR of Lleida: “Research in Primary Care is research for the health and quality of life of people and the community. Research makes team.”
  • Cristina Rey from USR Tarragona-Reus: “Primary care nurses have access to the population at all stages of life. We do our research in situations that are very close to people's daily lives, which makes the impact and transferability successful”
  • Maribel Fernándes, from the USR in Barcelona: Investigating in Primary Care means answering using the scientific method; How can we improve the health of the population? You have to have a critical vision of the environment and maintain interest and curiosity for innovation.”
  • Rosa Caballol, USR of Terres de l'Ebre: "Research gives us the necessary perspective to make decisions and advance people's health."
  • Ruth Martí, from USR Girona: "Research in Primary Care is a priority for our population, now more than ever"