Research to improve people's health


We appear before the Senate Equality Commission

Last Thursday, November 3rd, the researchers Constanza Jacques, Laura Medina and Tomàs López, together with the scientific director of the IDIAPJGol, Anna Berenguera, appeared in the Senate of Spain in the framework of the Equality Commission and in a session on the impact of gender in the Covid-19 crisis.

Noti Senat

During the appearance, the IDIAPJGol team presented the data from the psychosocial impact study of Covid-19 and the results of the study on equity and menstrual health promoted by the institute.
The goal of the Senate Equality Commission is to have complete data that allows a gender perspective to be incorporated into labor policies and economic reactivation.
During the presentation, apart from the results, we were able to share with the attendees some recommendations based on scientific evidence.