Research to improve people's health


Lleida Primary Care Nurses get a prize for best communication for their work 'The emotional well-being of our teenagers’.

The nurses of Lleida Primary Care Mercè Pollina, Eva Artigues and Olívia Guasch, together with Glòria Tort, nurse of  Anoia, receive the award for best oral communication at the XI Jornadas Nacionales de la Asociación Enfermería Comunitaria (AEC), IX Encuentro Nacional de Tutores y Residentes de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria, held in Logro.o on 26 October and 28 October 2022, for their work 'Emotional well-being of our teenagers'.

premi lleida

Mercè Pollina and Olivia Guasch are nurses of PAC Bellpuig, and Eva Artigues is a health doctor and nurse of the Lleida Support Unit. All three are researchers at the IDIAPJGol.

This oral communication stems from the research project that they themselves lead 'Analytics of success factors in self-esteem: vision from adolescence and its surroundings'. Project SEACE'. The goals of this work have been to determine emotional well-being and define the prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety among teenagers studied.

Conclusions have been reached as a high proportion of the adolescent population shows symptoms of emotional unrest, depression, and/or anxiety.

From now on, the objectives in this ambitious project will be basically two: to analyse the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on emotional well-being and to deepen the emotional state of teenagers in relation to self-esteem and body self-image.