Research to improve people's health


The researcher Bogdan Vlacho, from the DAP-Cat group, obtains an excellent cum laude in his thesis

On July 21, the researcher of the Barcelona Primary Care Diabetes Research Group (DAP-Cat), Bogdan Vlacho, defended his thesis entitled 'Study on the results of adding a sulfonylurea, a dipeptidyl inhibitor peptidase 4 (IDPP-4) or an inhibitor of sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 (ISGLT-2) as a second antidiabetic in patients with DM2 treated with metformin and insufficient glycemic control' at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

tesi bogdan

 The thesis, which has obtained the qualification of excellent cum laude, has been supervised by doctors Magí Farré Albaladejo, from the Clinical Pharmacology Service of the Germans Trias y Pujol-IGTP University Hospital, dr.  Xavier Mundet Tudurí, from CAP El Carmel, and Dr. Josep Franch Nadal, from CAP Drassanes and coordinator of the DAP-Cat group.

The court was made up of Dr. Eduard Diogène Fadini, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​as president; Dr. Juan Jose Cabre Vila, from the Rovira i Virgili University, as secretary, and Dr. Marta Hernández García, from the University of Lleida, as member.