Research to improve people's health


Coral concert in Mataró donates €2064.65 for research on persistent COVID

On March 12, the concert in tribute to Josep Serra and the victims of COVID was held in the Parish of Sant Josep in Matarò. The event has raised €2,064.65 for research into persistent COVID carried out at the Can Ruti Campus.

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Cor Madrigalista, Choral La Nota, Choral La Perla de l'Havanna and Primavera per la Pau were the protagonists of this charity concert that has been organized with the collaboration of the Catalan Federation of Choral Entities, the Parish of Sant Josep, Amics de Ca l'Arenas and Càritas Interparroquial de Mataró. Thanks to these groups and the attendees, more than €2,000 was raised for the research project Neural Bases and the cognitive and social impact of persistent COVID that is being carried out at the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute and the Primary Care Institute ( IDIAP) Jordi Gol.

The concert was not only intended to pay tribute to the victims of the pandemic but also to highlight the importance of research to treat people who continue to be affected by this disease. For this reason, the donation will be used to investigate the neurological, neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric symptoms of persistent COVID and the impact on the daily lives of patients, with the aim of improving care and treatment. If you want to collaborate with this research, you can do it here.