The IDIAPJGol participates in the CoActuem per la Salut Mental project
CoActuem for Mental Health is a citizen science search on social support networks in mental health. The chatbot CoActuem per la Salut Mental wants to serve to make proposals to improve social support networks in mental health.
This citizen science and social support project is led by Josep Perelló, head of OpenSystemsUB. Regarding the participation of IDIAP, the researcher Constanza Jacques is part of the 'Knowledge' environment together with other experts and institutions that work in the field of Mental Health.
The starting point of the research is the experiences of the co-investigators, a group of 30 people with their own experience in mental health.
Through sharing these experiences, a digital and anonymous conversation is opened to investigate together through the chatbot "CoActuem per la Salut Mental". You can participate in the chatbot by searching Telegram for "CoActuem per la salut mental".
All the information on the project website: