Research to improve people's health


New IDIAPJGol course: Introduction to Economic Evaluation in Health

IDIAPJGol offers this new course in online format with the aim of making known the different types of evaluations that exist, how to carry them out and which is the most appropriate for each context.


 The training will take place on June 9 and 16, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and through the Moodle platform. The two sessions will be synchronous, that is, they will be an e-learning in real time with a "physical" teaching that will be developed through Microsoft Teams. The agenda will be as follows:

  • Basic concepts in economic evaluation
  • Cost minimization analysis
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (ACE)
  • Cost-Profit Analysis (ACU)
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis (ACB)

All the information and registration here.