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Guidelines and tools available to select the most appropriate performance measurement instruments: COSMIN initiative
We are pleased to inform you that the IDIAP Jordi is organizing the seminar "Guidelines and tools available to select the most appropriate results measurement instruments: COSMIN initiative" by Edurne Zabaleta del Olmo, which will take place on May 4, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
You will find more information and you can register in the Training tab, in “Active Courses”.
El próximo 4 de mayo celebraremos el seminario web "Directrices y herramientas disponibles para seleccionar los instrumentos de medida de resultados más adecuados: iniciativa COSMIN" promovido por el @IDIAPJGol. Inscripción gratuita. Más información: https://t.co/Jc9PywEpXl
— Edurne Zabaleta del Olmo (@EdurneZabaleta) March 25, 2021