Research to improve people's health


Webinar: Epidemiologic of COVID-19: Why is not the second wave under control?

Dr. Joan Caylà will present the next 28th of October at 10:00am the webinari 'Epidemiologic of COVID-19: Why is not the second wave under control?'.

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The sesion will be 45 minuts based on the paper "Contact tracing in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. The fundamental role of Primary Health Care and Public Health" (J.M. Bellmunt, J.A. Caylà i J.P. Millet), and 15 minuts in addition to discuss.

To access the webinar you must register in the following link:

Tags: atenció primària, Covid-19, Joan Caylà, Webinari, Epidemiologia, Salut Pública