Research to improve people's health

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Strategic Plan 2021-2025



We are a leading university institute in community and primary care research and innovation. We work to identify, host, and promote the most excellent and ground-breaking projects developed by health professionals, so that the value they generate is transferred to society and leads to improvements in people's health and well-being.



We want community and primary care professionals to be recognised nationally and internationally as a skilled, leading and indispensable group, so that research and innovation contribute to the continued improvement, modernisation and transformation of the system.


  • SENSTIVITY , so that our activities are focused on and guided by the health and well-being needs expressed by society.
  • HIGHT STANDARS, to ensure the quality and excellence of the knowledge we bring, based on rigour, accountability and a critical spirit. A commitment to effectiveness and efficiency that makes us reliable, trustworthy and sustainable.
  • CREATIVITY, so that curiosity, passion and excitement are the engines that drive our professionals to innovate and create value; and to work in an agile environment where respect and trust prevail.


Strategic Lines 

Let us all promote research in the Primary Care of the future.


12 strategic lines and 21 challenges defined in a collaborative process to get to where we want to be.



Infografia Pla Estrategic IDIAPJGol EN


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