Welcome - Essential information for new staff
General Aspects of the IDIAPJGol
Organizational Structure
Working Conditions
In general, working hours are 40 per week and 218 working days per year, as determined annually by the management.
Working hours are flexible between 8:00 and 19:30, as long as the number of hours stipulated in the contract are completed.
Friday afternoon is free for everybody.
People working less than 40 hours per week will organize their working schedule in accordance with the specifications of the management and in agreement with their own manager.
Holidays: The days of annual leave are based on the total working days per year and the mandatory holidays of the IDIAP.
Leave of absence: The employee, prior notification, can take paid leave for the following reasons: marriage, birth of own children, moving home (based on the WS and the applicable labour agreement).
Work from home: Working from home requires authorisation from the manager.
Various solutions are available to IDIAPJGol employees to improve the work-life balance:
• A policy regarding temporary substitutes of women who have requested flexible work prior application and completion of the applicable forms, in accordance with regulations.• Mothers of children under 12 years can all request flexible work and work only one afternoon instead of three.
• On-line platform, where staff request annual leave and permits and notify about sick days, absences, extra working hours and hours not worked within the work flexibility offered by the institution; finally, and with an established periodicity, the manager will calculate and compensate accordingly the hours worked.
• Access to unpaid leave.
Staff training
Staff training is considered essential to fit in the workplace, for personal growth and for career development.
Equal opportunities in relation to training are guaranteed through the Training Plan, which determines the training based on the needs of each job and not on gender or other potential discriminatory aspects.
The need for professional development is requested by the employees themselves or their managers. The training activities are mainly provided on a voluntary basis.
There are available various internal channels of communication, such as:IDIAPJGol website, e-mail, Twitter, News IDIAP, meetings, notice boards, etc.
Corporate Social Responsability
Plan of Equality
Plan of Prevention of Occupational Hazards
The IDIAPJGol has updated all aspects related to prevention of occupational hazards. The prevention service is shared amongst the ICS, the IDIAPJGol i Gurina and other research institutes.
Some specific information related to prevention of ocupational hazards are available in the welcome package for new staff. They contain general preventive measures such as:
- Annex II - Emergency Manual.
- Annex III - Preventive measures to work in the office
- Annex IV - Road Safety
- Annex V - Protection of pregnant workers
- Annex VII - General health survey for new staff
- Annex VIII - Consent to carry out a health check-up
In case of work accident, you must:
- Go or call someone from the Human Resources Department (Laia Alvaro, David Merino, Sandra Illan); they will direct you to the ICS medical assistenace and/or they will give you an accident report to go to the medical insurance.
- Remember that they will not assist you if the accident report is not signed or stamped by the IDIAPJGol.
- Any accident on the way to or from work is considered as a work accident.
- We will apreciate your collaboration in the analysis ot the event and in the proposal of corrective measures to improve working conditions.
Protocol for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the IDIAPJGol
The IDIAPJGol is a company that promotes working conditions that prevent sexual or gender harassment through actions like awareness, sensitization, training, detection mechanisms, sanctions and procedures for complaints and denunciations, as well as the appointment of a responsible person in these issues.
• We are committed to ensuring confidentiality against sexual or gender harassment as well as the protection against possible retaliation.
Protocol for the Prevention of Secual Harassment in the IDIAPJGol
Annex 1 Intervention Form
Annex 2 Informed consent document
Annex 3 Report of the Internal Comission Inquiry
Gender Equaity
The IDIAP with others 18 Catalan health research centers, signed the la Letter of Commitment of Gender Equality in the framework of the first Gender in Health Science Conference, promoted by the Health Department and the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation (AQuAS)
• The letter of commitment of gender equality includes 12 commitments for gender equality and a work plan
Consultations and suggestions
If you have a query, complaint, suggestion or appreciation please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writing "Welcome" in the Subject. This email address is protected from spam robots and you will need Javascript in your computer.