Publicacions en revistes científiques
Consulta els articles publicats en revistes científiques durant el mes de febrer de 2018 sobre estudis de l'IDIAPJGol o amb participació dels nostres investigadors.
Relació de publicacions en revistes científiques d'investigadors de l'IDIAPJGol
Giner-Soriano M, Sotorra Figuerola G, Cortés J, Pera Pujadas H, Garcia-Sangenis A, Morros R. Impact of Medication Adherence on Mortality and Cardiovascular Morbidity: Protocol for a Population-Based Cohort Study. JMIR Res Protoc 2018;7(3):e73. URL: DOI: 10.2196/resprot.8121. PMID: 29523501
Teixidó C, Díez O, Marsal JR, et al. Efficacy and safety of topical application of 15% and 10% potassium hydroxide for the treatment of Molluscum contagiosum. Pediatr Dermatol. 2018.
Morsley K, Miller A, Luqmani R, Fina-Aviles F, Javaid MK, Edwards CJ, Pinedo-Villanueva R, Medina M, Calero S, Cooper C, Arden N, Prieto-Alhambra D. Rheumatoid factor testing in Spanish primary care: A population-based cohort study including 4.8 million subjects and almost half a million measurements. Reumatol Clin. 2018 Feb 26. pii: S1699-258X(17)30275-9. doi: 10.1016/j.reuma.2017.11.001. PMID: 29496419
Manuel A Gomez-Marcos, Maria C Patino-Alonso, Jose I Recio-Rodriguez, Cristina Agudo-Conde, Montserrat Romaguera-Bosch, Olga Magdalena-Gonzalez, Amparo Gomez-Arranz, Nere Mendizabal-Gallastegui, Jose Angel Fernandez-Diez, Leticia Gomez-Sanchez, Jose A Maderuelo-Fernandez, Emiliano Rodriguez-Sanchez, Luis Garcia-Ortiz, on behalf the EVIDENT Investigators. Short- and long-term effectiveness of a smartphone application for improving measures of adiposity: A randomised clinical trial – EVIDENT II study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing . First Published February 28, 2018.
Loma-Osorio P, Nuñez M, Aboal J, Bosch D, Batlle P, Ruiz de Morales E, Ramos R, Brugada J, Onaga H, Morales A, Olivet J, Brugada R. The Girona Territori Cardioprotegit Project: Performance Evaluation of Public Defibrillators. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed). 2018 Feb;71(2):79-85. doi: 10.1016/j.rec.2017.04.011.PMID: 28522305
Gobat NH, Gal M, Butler CC, Webb SAR, Francis NA, Stanton H, Anthierens S, Bastiaens H, Godycki-Ćwirko M, Kowalczyk A, Pons-Vigués M, Pujol-Ribera E, Berenguera A, Watkins A, Sukumar P, Moore RG, Hood K, Nichol A. Talking to the people that really matter about their participation in pandemic clinical research: A qualitative study in four European countries. Health Expectations : An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy. 2018;21(1):387-395. doi:10.1111/hex.12634. PMCID: PMC5750735
Caballería L, Pera G, Arteaga I, Rodríguez L, Alumà A, Morillas RM, de la Ossa N, Díaz A, Expósito C, Miranda D, Sánchez C, Prats RM, Urquizu M, Salgado A, Alemany M, Martinez A, Majeed I, Fabrellas N, Graupera I, Planas R, Ojanguren I, Serra M, Torán P, Caballería J, Ginès P. High Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis Among European Adults With Unknown Liver Disease: A Population-Based Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Feb 13. pii: S1542-3565(18)30006-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.12.048. PMID: 29452268
Sáez-López P, González-Montalvo JI, Ojeda-Thies C, Mora-Fernández J, Muñoz-Pascual A, Cancio JM, Tarazona FJ, Pareja T, Gómez-Campelo P, Montero-Fernández N, Alarcón T, Mesa-Lampre P, Larrainzar R, Duaso E, Gil-Garay E, Diéz-Pérez A, Prieto-Alhambra D, Queipo-Matas R, Otero-Puime A; participants in the RNFC. Spanish National Hip Fracture Registry (SNHFR): a description of its objectives, methodology and implementation. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2018 Feb 6. pii: S0211-139X(18)30001-5. doi: 10.1016/j.regg.2017.12.001. PMID: 29426794
Aranda N, Bedmar C, Arija V, Jardí C, Jimenez-Feijoo R, Ferré N, Tous M; Defensas Study investigators. Serum hepcidin levels, iron status, and HFE gene alterations during the first year of life in healthy Spanish infants. Ann Hematol. 2018 Feb 5. doi: 10.1007/s00277-018-3256-2. PMID: 29404719
Rando-Matos Y, Pons-Vigués M, Rodriguez-Blanco T, Ripoll J, Llobera J, Morán J, Ballvé-Moreno JL, Violán C, Bolíbar B. Effect of comprehensive smoke-free legislation on asthma and coronary disease trends in Spanish primary care patients. Eur J Public Health. 2018 Feb 1. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cky010. PMID: 29401282
Pontes C, Marsal JR, Elorza JM, Aragón M, Prieto-Alhambra D, Morros R. Analgesic Use and Risk for Acute Coronary Events in Patients With Osteoarthritis: A Population-based, Nested Case-control Study. Clin Ther. 2018 Feb;40(2):270-283. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2017.12.011. PMID: 29398161
Martín-Merino E, Petersen I, Hawley S, Álvarez-Gutierrez A, Khalid S, Llorente-Garcia A, Delmestri A, Javaid MK, Van Staa TP, Judge A, Cooper C, Prieto-Alhambra D. Risk of venous thromboembolism among users of different anti-osteoporosis drugs: a population-based cohort analysis including over 200,000 participants from Spain and the UK. Osteoporos Int. 2018 Feb;29(2):467-478. doi: 10.1007/s00198-017-4308-5. PMID: 29199359
Barroso M, Goday A, Ramos R, Marín-Ibañez A, Guembe MJ, Rigo F, Tormo-Díaz MJ, Moreno-Iribas C, Cabré JJ, Segura A, Baena-Díez JM, de la Cámara AG, Lapetra J, Quesada M, Medrano MJ, Berjón J, Frontera G, Gavrila D, Barricarte A, Basora J, García JM, García-Lareo M, Lora-Pablos D, Mayoral E, Grau M, Marrugat J; FRESCO Investigators. Interaction between cardiovascular risk factors and body mass index and 10-year incidence of cardiovascular disease, cancer death, and overall mortality. Prev Med. 2018 Feb;107:81-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.11.013. PMID: 29155226
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