In agreement with the Law 19/2014, December 29, of transparency, access to public information and good governance, the IDIAPJGol makes publicly available the following information:
Institutional and administrative organisation:
The IDIAPJGol is included in the Foundations Register of the Justice Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya under number 1006 adn VAT numer: G60954104
Financial, accounting and budgetary management:
Yearly accounts audit report 2023
Yearly accounts audit report 2022
Yearly accounts audit report 2021
Yearly accounts audit report 2020
Yearly accounts audit report 2019
Anual Budget 2022
Non-profit entity certification 2022
To certify being up to date with payments to the AEAT 2022
To certify being up to date with payments to the Social Security 2022
To certify being up to date with tax debts to the Tax Agency of Catalonia (ATC) 2022
Public contracting:
Plans, programmes and general reports:
Do you need more information?
To exercise your right to access public information and in agreement with the Law 19/2014, December 29, of transparency, access to public information and good governance, you need to follow this link and fill in the fields topic, subtopic 1 and subtopic 2 with the following data:
Topic: Salut
Subtopic 1: Recerca en Salut
Subtopic 2: Fundació d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina, Institut de recerca en Atenció Primària (IDIAP) Jordi Gol