Electronic invoice information
The electronic invoice is compulsory for all providers who are not self-employed (freelance). In agreement with Order VEH/138/2017 of the Generalitat de Catalunya, all invoices of legal entities must be issued in electronic format and include the DIR3 code .
You can process the electronic invoice via the following links:
IDIAPJGol data:
Our DIR3 codes:
Accounting office: A09010589
Managing body: A09010589
Processing Unit: A09010589
The "purchase order" must include:
Our purchase order number, if any.
Place of allocated cost or project code, if there is no purchase order number.
Invoices must include all the data stated in the Royal Decree 1619/2012 and other applicable regulations. The following data must be included to identify the client:
VAT number: G60954104
Gran Via 587 àtic
08007 Barcelona
The invoices that do not include at least one of the following data will not be accepted:
Purchase order number
Project code or site of allocated cost
Researcher's identification
Payment method:
Bank transfer (the invoice must include the International Bank Account Number -IBAN).
Payment deadline: 30 days.
Payment date: on the 15th of the month after the receipt of the invoice.
For more information on payment of invoices: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.