Research to improve people's health

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External Scientific Council



The Board of Trustees appoints an External Scientific Council, composed of professionals of recognised background, which can act as an advisory body on the scientific activities of the IDIAPJGol and ensure the scientific quality of the Institute.



Pilar Astier
General Practitioner. University of Zaragoza (Ethics Chair), WONCA World Executive.

Lars Bjerrum
General practitioner & Clinical Pharmacologist. University of Conpenhagen.

Concepción Carratalà
Nurse. SCELE, INVESTEN, Miguel Hernández University.

Esperanza Díaz
General Practitioner. University of Bergen, Norway. EPGRN Migrations.

Vinita Mahtani
General Practitioner. University of La Laguna, DIPEX project.

Joan Llobera
Epidemiologist. Institut de Recerca de Balears.

Marina Pollán
Epidemiologist. Director of the National Epidemiology Center.

Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Pharmaepidemiologist. University of Oxford.

Josep Maria Valderas
Head of the Department in Family Medicine at the National University Health System and the National University of Singapore.

Domingo Orozco
General Practitioner. Vice Rector of Research at the Miguel Hernandez University.

Adela Zabalegui
Nurse. Deputy Director of Research and Teaching, EANS (European Academy of Nursing Science).



  • To ensure the scientific quality, ethics and good scientific practices of the Institute.
  • To link the IDIAPJGol research groups with national and international investigators.
  • To advise and assist the Scientific Director in research policy and in the selection process of investigators.
  • To prepare a report on the progress of the IDIAPJGol in relation to the programme approved by the Board of Trustees.