Chief Director
Chief Director:
Josep Basora Gallisà has been coordinator of the USR Tarragona-Reus of the IDIAP Jordi Gol y Gurina from 1996 to 2020. He is also the head of Training and Innovation of the Territorial Management of Camp de Tarragona of the Catalan Institute of Health, coordinating the Citera de INNOBICS. He has been president of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine for 7 years (2009-2016), during this time being a member of the European, Ibero-American and World Councils of the International Organization of Family Medicine (WONCA).
He is currently vice president of the Catalan Society for Family and Community Medicine and a member of the semFYC Advisory Council. Associate professor at the Rovira i Virgili University in Medicine and Nutrition studies, however, with direct responsibility for coordinating the 6th Year Rotary. He has received the distinctions of Professor Cyril Rozman Award for Professional Career from the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (2012) and recently Honorary Member of CAMFIC (2019).
As a researcher, he is part of the CIBERobn of the excellence research network of the Carlos III Institute, and of two groups accredited by the IDIAPJGol and AGAUR (prediabetes and Diabetes of Tarragona, CENIT) and of the Transversal Group of lifestyle and prevention of the Social Health Institute Pere Virgili (Coordinator). He has participated in the PREDIMED and PREDIMED-Plus Study as coordinator of Primary Care for the Reus-Tarragona node, but actively participating in the search for private and public funding. He has participated as a researcher in more than 30 projects financed in public calls (national, state, and European, several projects sponsored by Farmaindustria). As a researcher, he is the author of 145 articles published in biomedical journals with HI = 33 and 9650 citations.