Research to improve people's health

Research Groups
Research Grants
Annual Report
Real World Lab

  • Interview with Anna Ponjoan

    Anna Ponjoan: “Gender identity must be studied to reduce health inequities”

    We interviewed the IDIAPJGol’s USR Girona researcher, who explains the lines of research that she is carrying out in the field of gender identity and sexual orientation and their relationship with health care

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  • Kickoff L-Health

    IDIAPJGol coordinates a project to identify inequalities in lesbians health

    L-HEALTH is an European consortium which seeks to promote excellent clinical practice for all the people, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity

    L health destacada

    First meeting of the L-healh consortium in the IDIAPJGol facilities

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  • Livia Villar visit

    Researcher from Brazil’s Fiocruz research institute visits IDIAPJGol to explore collaboration opportunities

    Livia Villar, specialist in virology research, has presented the institution in which she practices and has had the opportunity to get to know our centre

    visita livia villar

    Livia Villar (in the middle), with members of the Direction and researchers of IDIAPJGol 

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  • April 22, World Vertigo Day

    A simple maneuver allows to solve the symptoms of the most common type of vertigo at primary care

    IDIAPJGol launches a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to finance the development of an app that will facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, which affects more than 100,000 people each year in Catalonia

    maniobra epley

    Metge realitzant la maniobra d'Epley a la consulta

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  • RCP and DEA online training

    Researchers from IDIAPJGol in the Camp de Tarragona evaluate the effectiveness of online training on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with defibrillators

    Training the population in the application of resuscitation techniques can double the survival of people who suffer a cardiac arrest.


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  • Heart failure and malnutrition

    Near half of older adults with heart failure are at risk of malnutrition

    A cohort study led by researchers from IDIAPJGol highlights the importance of ensuring good nutrition among these patients

    03 Impact of malnutrition on the quality of life in older patients

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  • Pediatrical telematic atention

    The covid-19 pandemic boosted telemedicine visits in pediatric care

    A study led by IDIAPJGol ensures that with the implementation of the state of alarm and lockdowns in 2020, the implementation of remote pediatric care accelerated and has represented a model change in consultations.Doctora videotrucada

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  • Scientific articles March 2024

    Consult IDIAPJGol's scientific publications of March 2024

    During the month of March, the research staff of IDIAPJGol has published 36 new articles in scientific journals of both national and international scope. You can consult them below.

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