Research to improve people's health


On June 3 and 4, Barcelona will host an ISoP symposium on pharmacovigilance focused on the value of data

The meeting, co-organised by IDIAPJGol and the International Society of Pharmacovigilance, will focus on the value of real-world data to ensure patient safety 

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The IDIAPJGol and the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP) will organise a symposium in Barcelona on June 3 and 4, 2024, that will focus on the value of data to ensure patient safety. Entitled “The value of real-world data to ensure patient safety”, the meeting will address how pharmacovigilance, epidemiology, clinical pharmacology and medical science are needed to monitor the safe use of medicines.

The goal of the symposium is to use real-world data in pharmacovigilance, which is essential to assess and ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs and treatments used in daily clinical practice to improve care and patient outcomes.

The symposium is aimed at healthcare professionals working in a regulatory, industrial or university settings, as well as individuals working in clinical or epidemiological roles who have an interest in pharmacovigilance. The program will be published soon, and the venue will be announced shortly.

More information about the sympopsium. 

S’obre la convocatòria de l’AES del 2024